The style and presentation of assignments are important. Your assignments should be easy to read and be presented in a way that shows you have organised your material to present your argument clearly. In addition, your assignments should be referenced where appropriate and literature cited in the text should be accurately documented.

The basics

Although there are variations in writing style required by different academic disciplines, different journals, different universities, and even different schools within the one university, the guidelines provided in this section should be followed unless you have been given specific instructions to the contrary.

It is strongly recommended that you use this section as a check-list before you submit every assignment.

General points

  1. Unless otherwise stated, all written assessment should be submitted via Turnitin on the Course companion Blackboard site
  2. All pages are to be consecutively numbered
  3. Assignments must be word processed, not handwritten
  4. Ensure that your printout is clear and easy to read
  5. Check the spelling and grammar in your assignment carefully, do not rely solely on computer software spelling checks (the incorrect word may be inserted!)
  6. Keep a copy of your assignment to be able to supply this as an electronic or paper copy if required
  7. Keep your draft copies, research notes, and resources used in compiling your assignment and be able to supply these if requested
  8. Identify each page of your assignment with your student ID number only (eight digits). Do not include your name
  9. Meet the prescribed word limit within a range of ±10%
  10. Start your reference list on a new page, with the heading ‘References’