Senior Leadership Team

  • Professor Karen Healy

    Head of School & Head of School
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Audrey Brown

    School Manager
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Professor Fiona Coyer

    Head of Discipline, Nursing
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Associate Professor Lauren Kearney

    Head of Discipline, Midwifery
    Conjoint Associate Professor
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Associate Professor Peter Lewis

    Director of Teaching and Learning
    Associate Professor
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Kathy Ellem

    Acting Head of Discipline, Social Work and Counselling
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Nigel Lee

    NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow & Director of Research
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work



  • Dr Glenda Hawley

    Program Lead, Bachelor of Midwifery and Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery dual program
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Nigel Lee

    NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow & Director of Research
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

Social Work

  • Professor Karen Healy

    Head of School & Head of School
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Kathy Ellem

    Acting Head of Discipline, Social Work and Counselling
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Carmel Fleming

    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Debby Lynch

    Senior Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Associate Professor Maree Petersen

    Postgraduate Coordinator
    Associate Professor
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr John Drayton

    Program Lead, Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) & Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Jemma Venables

    Program Lead, Master of Social Work Studies
    Senior Lecturer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work


  • Mr Michael Ellwood

    Associate Lecturer (Counselling)
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Denis O'Hara

    Program Lead, Master of Counselling
    Clinical SnrLecturer Counselling&MH
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Dr Kate Witteveen

    Lecturer (Counselling)
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work



Practice Education Team

  • Ms Monique Cairney

    Practice Educator, Counselling & Principal Practice Educator - Counselling
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Mrs Elisha Dagger

    Principal Practice Educator - Nursing
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Miss Renee Guo

    Placement Officer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Naomi Hansar

    Practice Educator, Counselling & Casual Academic - Social Work and Counselling
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Kelly Holcroft

    Principal Practice Educator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Mr Phuong Nhan

    Principal Practice Educator - Nursing
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Miss Lucy O'Shea

    Work Integrated Learning Partnerships Coordinator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Vicki Percival

    Placement Assistant
    Placement Officer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Emma Pires

    Placement Officer
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Linda Spitzer

    Practice Educator, Nursing & Principal Practice Educator - Nursing
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Mrs Carol Turner

    Administrative Assistant(Placement)
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Ms Claire Turner

    Casual Academic & Casual Academic (Social Work and Counselling) & Practice Education Manager - Social Work and Counselling
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Mrs Lesley van Hoffen

    Practice Educator, Counselling & Principal Practice Educator & Casual Academic (General) & Principal Practice Educator - Counselling
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

    Mrs Remah Ismail

    Placement Coordinator
    School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

Honorary, Adjunct and Academic Title Holders

Adjunct Professor Fiona Allsop | Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor Callan Battley | Adjunct Professor

Honorary Professor Elizabeth Beattie | Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor Robert Bland | Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor Christine Brown Wilson | Honorary Professor

Adjunct Professor Veronica Casey | Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor Anne Cross | Adjunct Professor

Honorary Professor Leanne Dowse | Honorary Professor

Adjunct Professor Matt Foley | Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor Alanna Geary | Adjunct Professor

Honorary Professor Theresa Green | Honorary Professor

Adjunct Professor Robyn Henderson | Adjunct Professor

Honorary Professor Sarah Kagan | Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor Lena Martensson | Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor Sandie McCarthy | Honorary Professor

Adjunct Professor Shelley Nowlan | Adjunct Professor

Honorary Professor Ming-Sum Tsui | Honorary Professor

Associate Professor Emma Ballard | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Fiona Bogossian | Honorary Associate Professor

Associate Professor Catriona Booker | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Mary Boyde | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor William Brennan | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Bettina Douglas | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Drew Dwyer | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Cherie Franks | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Ivan Frkovic | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Yu Gao | Honorary Principal Fellow

Associate Professor Nicole Marsh | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Joseph McDowall | Adjunct Associate Professor

Associate Professor Christine Neville | Honorary Associate Professor

Associate Professor Deborah Parker | Honorary Res Associate Professor

Associate Professor Cheryl Tilse | Honorary Associate Professor

Associate Professor Anthony Tuckett | Honorary Associate Professor

Ms Michelle Daly | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Michelle Denton | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Mrs Bettina Douglas | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Fengsong Annie GaoHonorary Lecturer

Dr Diane Hafner | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Gai Harrison | Honorary Senior Lecturer

Katherine Jackman | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Mrs Kathryn Kynoch | Honary Senior Lecturer

Dr Chez Leggatt-Cook | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Anne-Louise McCawley | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Ms Angela O'Malia | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Andrea Petriwskyj | Honorary Senior Fellow

Dr Deborah Setterlund | Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Helen Stapleton | Honorary Research Senior Fellow

Ms Sarah Black | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Cecelia Boyd Orford | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Nerys Brackman | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Cara Cox | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Sandra Eckstein | Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Nicole Gavin | Adjunct Research Fellow

Ms Michelle Gunn | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Madeline Hall | Academic Title Holder, Lecturer

Ms Amanda Harley | Adjunct Lecturer

Mr Paul Hickey | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Kristy Jackman | Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Melanie Jessup | Honorary Lecturer

Ms Jacinta Lee | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Sarah MacDonald | Adjunct Lecturer

Katharine Madson | Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Sara Mayfield | Academic Title Holder, Lecturer

Mr Andres Otero Forero | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Anita Pelecanos | Adjunct Research Fellow

Ms Maree Ruge | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Laura Ryan | Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Christine Saxby | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Una Schumacher | Adjunct Lecturer

Mr John Serginson | Adjunct Lecturer

Ms Stephanie Sutherns | Adjunct Lecturer

Mr Luke Wainwright | Adjunct Lecturer

Dr Deb Walsh | Honorary Lecturer

Ms Amy Wong | Adjunct Research Fellow

MrJames Abogada | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Molly Allen | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Sharayah Baumer | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Kate Bell | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Kirsten Benstead | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Katrina Brain | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Emily Campbell | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Mr Daniel Carlyle | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Susanne Chaffey | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Renae Chambers | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Annie Cheng | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Emily Dickenson | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Rebecca Doyle | Adjunct Fellow

Ms Dionne Essenstam | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Cantik Evandri | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Kate Follent | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms May Gabor | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Mr Michael Handy | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Sally Hawkins | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Emily Holmes | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Geraldine Horan | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Anita Inwood | Academic Title Holder, Associate Lecturer

Ms Rebecca Keating | Academic Title Holder, Associate Lecturer

Ms Rebecca Kimberley | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Clare Kim | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Angelica LaRocca | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Belinda McEvoy | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Kylie McGrath | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Aisling Mulcahy | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Karen Neaton | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Le Phuong Anh Nguyen | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Olayid Olugbode-Oguntoyinbo | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms India Pearse | Adjunct Fellow

Ms Leanne Philips | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Pujan Pokharel Acharya | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Mary-Anne Ramis | Academic Title Holder,  Associate Lecturer

Mr Robert Rolls | Academic Title Holder,  Associate Lecturer

Ms Kelly Rose | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Christine Ruaro | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Vicky Sederkenny | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Mr Calvin Tolentino | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Julia Tonkin | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Mr Michael Visser | Academic Title Holder, Associate Lecturer

Ms Peta Ward | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Jasna West | Adjunct Associate Lecturer

Ms Na Zhang | Adjunct Associate Lecturer