Resources for current students
The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work (NMSW) wishes you every success with your studies. Please find below information and resources which will assist you throughout your program.
The School’s Student Administration Team is here to support and assist you during your program and provides the following services to students:
- General enquiries on all aspects of your study
- Monitors enrolment
- Assists with changes to enrolment, such as intermission, modified programs
- Assists with timetabling issues
- Monitor and collection of program requirement documentation
- Assists with professional registration
my.UQ student portal
my.UQ is your one-stop-shop for information and services throughout your study at UQ. It brings together all the online resources students use at UQ on one dashboard. From here you can:
- access systems; such as student email, Learn.UQ (Blackboard), InPlace, and mySI-net
- access information; such as assessment and examinations, progress and results, integrity and conduct, complaints and appeals, etc.
Electronic course profiles contain all the information you need to know about a course, including the aims and objectives and associated learning and assessment activities. They are available online when classes begin. You can find them by searching for your course on the courses and programs website. Once you have enrolled in a course you will also have access to the full course profile in mySI-net.
Other useful links are as follows:
Assessment Guide: provides an overview of the assessment requirements in NMSW with emphasis on written assessments.
Applying for an extension: information on eligibility and procedure for extensions of assessment due date.
Deferring an exam: information on eligibility and procedure for deferring mid and end of semester examinations.
Supplementary assessment: information on supplementary assessment.
Student Charter: information on student's rights and obligations including regards to matters of assessment.
You will be able to enrol via UQ’s online enrolment system (mySI-net) with the username and password issued by UQ’s Information Technology Services. For more information on enrolment see Enrol Online on the Starting at UQ website. Enrolment opens before the start of semester, and you are encouraged to enrol as early as possible.
Refer to the course list for your program for the full enrolment pattern. This can be found in the ‘what you can study’ section within your program details.
Credit for previous study
If you have completed relevant, previous studies you may be eligible for credit towards a UQ program. Find out more about credit here and also by reading the Faculty's Credit Guidelines. If you have completed previous studies, search the Credit Precedence Database to see if similar credit has been previously assessed. Credit applications are processed by the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences. The Faculty receives a large volume of credit transfer requests at the beginning of each semester and therefore we urge you to submit your credit application as soon as possible once you have accepted a place in your program.
Faculty resources
The Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences (HaBS) have a number of resources available online. The Faculty Student and Academic Administration team can be contacted by phone on (07) 3365 7487 or by email on
Orientation Week activities run in the week before classes commence. School staff conduct welcome and information sessions for all new NMSW students and attendance is compulsory. Students are encouraged to attend other sessions, such as getting started at UQ, IT and eLearning, academic and personal skills, and Library sessions.
The Library is a wealth of knowledge while you are studying. Some useful links to get you started include:
- Undergraduate students get started with library research for social work and human services
- Undergraduate Students get started with library research for nursing and midwifery
- Postgraduate students login to library services for postgraduates.
Support services
There are a number of support services available to you throughout your study, such as:
- Student Services: provides a range of support services to students, including learning support, counselling, disability support services, etc.
- Student Centres: your one-stop-shop for all student administration and general enquiries relating to UQ, such as payment of fees, traffic and parking, student visas, etc. A Justice of the Peace (JP) is also available to certify documents.
- UQ Health Care: an accredited, general practice providing comprehensive health services to students of UQ.
- Student union: student life
- IT services: provides network, internet and IT support
Student ID cards
Your UQ student ID card can be issued one working day after you have enrolled. Go the ground floor of the Prentice Building (Building 41) between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, and take proof of identity, such as a Passport or Australian Drivers Licence. You will need your ID card to borrow books, for some classes, as well as for all examinations.
Scholarships and Prizes
The University of Queensland has a range of scholarships and prizes to undergraduate, postgraduate, research and international students.
NMSW also has a range of scholarships and prizes available to students. Please click on the links for further details regarding eligiblity.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Scholarship | Value | Eligible applicants | Applications close |
Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship | $10,000/year for duration of the program | Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) students (two scholarships available in the Nursing program and one scholarship available in the Social Work program) | 19 April 2023 |
Undergraduate Prizes
Prize | Elligibe applicant |
Frank Pavlin Memorial Prize | Awarded to a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) student with the highest mark in the course Introduction to Social Work |
Isabel Forrest Memorial Prize | Awarded to a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) student with the highest mark in the course Contemporary Social Work: Frameworks for Advanced Practice |
Jeanette Landmann Memorial Prize | Awarded to a Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) student with the highest mark in the course Moral and Ethical Foundations of Social Work |
Postgraduate Scholarships
Scholarship | Value | Eligible applicants | Applications close |
Royal College of Nursing Scholarships | Please see website | Postgraduate students | Please see website |
Queensland Health Scholarships | $5000 | Postgraduate students | Please see website |
Australian Government Scholarships | Please see website | Postgraduate students | Please see website |
Research Higher Degree Scholarships
Scholarship or Prize | Value | Eligible applicants | Applications close |
Jean and George Campbell-Brown Scholarship | Up to $6000 | A PhD student enrolled and confirmed in the School or Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work studying in the field of social work or human services | 4pm on the last Friday in April |
Summer and Winter Research Scholarships
The UQ Summer and Winter Research Program provides provides UQ students with an opportunity to gain research experience working alongside some of the university’s leading academics and researchers. Details regarding projects available in the School are available on our research project scholarships page.
What's on
If you have any questions, contact:
NMSW Student Administration Team
Phone: (07) 3365 2068