IBUS: Stop smoking in its tracks
A single arm intervention study of a smoking program for woman receiving maternity care through the Birthing in Our Community program.
“Stop Smoking in its Tracks” (SST) is a smoking cessation program designed specifically for pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women or women with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners, in collaboration with a community reference group of Aboriginal women and Aboriginal Health Workers. The main components of the program include: intensive support for cessation for women; free nicotine replacement therapy; financial rewards for confirmed abstinence; support for household members to support the woman’s quit attempt and to quit themselves. The program continues for six months post-partum. It will be provided to pregnant women who smoke as an integral component of the BiOC model, by the midwives and Indigenous workers. Further details are provided below in the section “The Stop Smoking in its Track Program” – the Intervention.
Overall research aims
This research project aims to assess the effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of the SST program to achieve smoking cessation and quit attempts among pregnant women who report currently smoking at the booking-in visit and are receiving antenatal care through the BiOC model.
Inclusion criteria
- Women who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, or are partnered to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person
- Women who self-report smoking daily (at least one cigarette per day) at antenatal booking-in visit
- Women who are receiving their maternity care through the Birthing in Our Community Program and are planning to birth at the MMH
- Women who reside within the catchment of homecare visits for the BiOC program
- Consent to participate