Dr Kate Witteveen
Lecturer (Counselling)
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
+61 7 334 66255

O'Hara, Denis, Schirmer, Jim, Ellwood, Michael and Witteveen, Kate (2025). The practice of counselling and psychotherapy. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/109db44
Journal Articles
Schirmer, Jim, Ellwood, Michael W., Witteveen, Kate and O'Hara, Denis (2024). Are professional counsellors and psychotherapists prepared to make a greater contribution to the Australian mental health workforce? A comparison of training content and mental health standards. Advances in Mental Health, 23 (1), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/18387357.2024.2347434
Tehan, Hannah, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, G. Anne and Tehan, Gerald (2019). Using dual-task methods to enhance cognitive performance in the acute phase of stroke: a proof of concept study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 33 (5), 873-889. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2018.1529817
Burgoyne, Kelly, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, Anne, Malone, Stephanie and Hulme, Charles (2017). Pattern understanding: relationships with arithmetic and reading development. Child Development Perspectives, 11 (4), 239-244. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12240
Tehan, Hannah, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, G Anne, Tehan, Gerald and Senior, Graeme J (2017). Using Mahalanobis distance to evaluate recovery in acute stroke. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 33 (5), 577-582. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acx107
Long, Imogen, Malone, Stephanie A., Tolan, Anne, Burgoyne, Kelly, Heron-Delaney, Michelle, Witteveen, Kate and Hulme, Charles (2016). The cognitive foundations of early arithmetic skills: it is counting and number judgment, but not finger gnosis, that count. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 152, 327-334. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.08.005
Grieve, Rachel, Witteveen, Kate and Tolan, G. Anne (2014). Social media as a tool for data collection: examining equivalence of socially value-laden constructs. Current Psychology: developmental - learning - personality - social, 33 (4), 532-544. doi: 10.1007/s12144-014-9227-4
Grieve, Rachel, Witteveen, Kate, Tolan, G. Anne and Jacobson, Brett (2014). Development and validation of a measure of cognitive and behavioural social self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences, 59, 71-76. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2013.11.008
March, Evita, Grieve, Rachel, Marx, Eric and Witteveen, Kate (2013). More of a (wo)man offline? Gender roles measured in online and offline environments. Personality and Individual Differences, 55 (8), 887-891. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2013.07.018
Barletta, Jolm and Witteveen, Kate (2007). Pastoral care in hospitals: an overview of issues. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 13 (1), 97-105. doi: 10.1071/py07013
Conference Paper
Tolan, Georgina, Grieve, Rachel and Witteveen, Kate (2012). Predicting depression and anxiety: the role of emotional and cognitive processing styles. XXX International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2012. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
Data Collection
Witteveen, Kate M. and O'Hara, Denis J. (2024). Mentalisation, self-compassion and psychosocial impact of ADHD in adult women.. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/14096c3
Research Reports
O'Hara, Denis J., Ellem, Kathy and Witteveen, Kate (2024). Evaluation of the National Counselling and Referral Service Counselling within Correctional Centres: executive summary and final report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/8d16fc4
Schirmer, Jim, Witteveen, Kate and O'Hara, Denis (2021). Evidence of focused psychological strategies provided by counsellors and psychotherapists: a systematic scoping review. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/edfa455